IT IS Time. I have watched, waited, and researched for 10 years.
She has grown from a child into a young woman. An educated, beautiful
woman with charm and sass mixed together in a volatile and wonderful
concoction. She has grown up in a family of privilege, with the finest schools
and anything her heart desired. Despite her family’s means, she is the most
humble person I have ever met. Her personality draws everyone to her and
she soaks it up, not in the way of someone who needs attention to feel
validated, but in the way of someone who sees attention as a blessing.
Who am I? I’m her only hope, at least according to the Oracle
Readings. With Blackness coming, it is only a matter of time before her
unique abilities will manifest. Abilities much like mine, although the Oracle
Readings did not specify the details of them. I will have to find out myself.
Readings. With Blackness coming, it is only a matter of time before her
unique abilities will manifest. Abilities much like mine, although the Oracle
Readings did not specify the details of them. I will have to find out myself.
Sounds interesting so far! Will look forward to the nect update